Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013


Hi everyone :D

es ist schon Ende der Woche und somit ist auch meine letzte Woche in Neuseeland verstrichen. Ich muss am Sonntag leider schon um 5 Uhr morgens am Flughafen sein und Neuseeland verlassen. Es ist wirklich schwer zu gehen nach dieser Zeit. Ich werde meine Freundinnen hier so vermissen und alles was ich hier erleben durfte werde ich immer in Erinnerung behalten. Außerdem habe ich schon Angst nach Hause zu gehen, denn nicht nur ich habe mich verändert sondern auch meine Freunde in Deutschland. Wir sind nun nicht mehr in einer Klasse, wir sind alle gemischt und man lernt neue Leute kennen und ich habe Angst, dass ich keinen Anschluss finde. Zudem fängt das lernen erst richtig an.

Gestern hatte ich sozusagen meinen letzten Tag mit meinen Freunden hier. Sie haben für mich eine Farewell Sleepover gemacht ( das war so süß von denen). Wir sind den Tag an Strand gegangen und hatten sehr viel Spaß. Am Abend aßen wir Pizza und hatten einen super lustigen Abend mit Filmen und wir haben sogar mein Lieblingsspiel Phase 10 gespielt. Ich werde alle so vermissen.

I always knew this day would come to say goodbye. It’s time to leave New Zealand and to leave my second life behind me.
I can’t believe how fast the time was gone. Before I came here I counted the days to come to New Zealand, but now my days are counted to leave.
Its incredible how much I learned and how much I experienced.

The months and days here in New Zealand changed me. I have the feeling I am a new person. I grew up and I see some things completely different than in the past.
I had an awesome time. I made friends for life. They helped me in every situation and made me laugh when I was in a bad mood. We had a really good time together and every time it was like I am in a different world. I loved to hang out with you guys and won’t forget you. You were one part who made my time in New Zealand special. I am so thankful for the moments with you and so glad I got to know you. The times that we had, I will keep them safe.
I’ve always got the memories in my heart. We might be apart but I hope you always know you will be with me wherever I go. I know I will miss u but I know we will meet someday again. I will always remember you and hold you in my heart forever.
It’s so unfair that my time is over now. It was way too short. I always think I could have done so much more. Sometimes I wish the time could stop for a while and let you enjoy the moments that you have longer. I wanted to stay longer but I can’t and at the moment the only thing I could do is cry. I just built up my life here in New Zealand and now I have to leave this life again. It feels like it was yesterday when I left Germany. I really don’t want to go and it’s so hard to say goodbye. People who haven’t had this experience they can’t understand me.
Thank you to my parents who made it possible for me to go to New Zealand. It became my second home and it was so great to be here.
Thank you to my host family who were so lovely to me and thanks that you made all the nice trips with me. You became like my second family.
Thank you to my friends. Thank you sooo much for letting me be your friend and for the amazing farewell sleepover. You are the best friends I’ve ever met and please just be awesome as always and never change. You are always welcome in Germany and I will come back to meet you.
 Thank you to everyone else who made my stay perfect and I will miss you all so much.
My time is gone and now I have to go. One day we’ll look back, we’ll smile and we’ll laugh, but right now we just cry because it’s too hard to say goodbye.
I will always love you


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